HTML5 – jQuery

jQuery is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library that makes it easy to traverse HTML documents, handle events, and perform various other tasks. Here is an overview of some of the key features of jQuery:

  • DOM manipulation: jQuery provides a range of methods for manipulating the Document Object Model (DOM) such as addClass, removeClass, hide, show, append, and prepend.
  • Event handling: jQuery provides a range of methods for handling events such as click, mouseenter, mouseleave, submit, and resize.
  • Ajax: jQuery provides a range of methods for performing asynchronous HTTP requests such as $.get, $.post, and $.ajax.
  • Effects: jQuery provides a range of methods for creating animations and effects such as fadeIn, fadeOut, slideUp, and slideDown.

Here is an example of how to use jQuery to add a class to an element when it is clicked:

$('#element').click(function() {

In this example, the click method is used to bind a click event handler to the element with the id of element. When the element is clicked, the addClass method is used to add the active class to the element.