CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is an essential language for web developers and designers, allowing them to create visually appealing and well-structured websites. One of the key aspects of CSS is the use of selectors to target and style specific elements. However, CSS does not provide a native parent selector. In this blog post, we will delve into the concept of parent selectors, explore alternative methods, and learn best practices for using them effectively.

Understanding Parent Selectors

In CSS, a parent selector would allow you to target a specific element based on the properties of its child elements. For example, you may want to style a list container only if it contains a certain class of list items. Unfortunately, CSS does not offer a native parent selector, but there are workarounds to achieve similar functionality using other CSS selectors and JavaScript.

The Role of Pseudo-Classes

Pseudo-classes are keywords added to selectors to target specific element states or relationships. While they are not direct parent selectors, they can help target elements based on their relationship with other elements.

:has() pseudo-class (experimental): The :has() pseudo-class, currently only supported in the experimental stage, allows you to select an element if it contains a specified element. It functions like a parent selector but is not yet widely supported in browsers.

/* This would style a list container that contains an item with the class "highlighted" */
ul:has(li.highlighted) {
  border: 1px solid red;

:not() pseudo-class: The :not() pseudo-class can be used to target elements that don’t match a specific condition, which can be useful for excluding elements based on their children.

/* This would style all list containers except those containing a list item with the class "highlighted" */
ul:not(:has(li.highlighted)) {
  border: 1px solid green;

JavaScript and jQuery Solutions

As CSS does not natively support parent selectors, JavaScript and jQuery can be employed to achieve this functionality.


const highlightedItems = document.querySelectorAll('li.highlighted');
highlightedItems.forEach(item => {
  const parent = item.parentElement;



These scripts will add a ‘has-highlighted’ class to the parent element of all list items with the ‘highlighted’ class. You can then use this class to style the parent element in your CSS.

ul.has-highlighted {
  border: 1px solid red;

Best Practices for Using Parent Selectors

  1. Only use parent selectors when necessary, as they can lead to more complex and harder-to-maintain code.
  2. Avoid using experimental features such as the :has() pseudo-class in production code, as they may not be widely supported.
  3. When using JavaScript or jQuery, make sure to account for performance implications and potential conflicts with other scripts.

By understanding the limitations and workarounds for parent selectors in CSS, you can create more efficient and effective styles for your web projects. Keep exploring and honing your